the quiet place project

millions of souls chose quiet. see why :)
natasha bellthat was awesome :') thank you
seung batistewow -- i think everyone should go to this magical place of peace. and chill out for once, just enjoy being here. :-d
imogen caplani just wanted to say thank you, i've been really stressed out lately because of family stuff and my health and it was nice just to let all that go.
joris vanelderenhaha ,i discovered the quiet place some weeks ago i think ,sinds then always have my daily 90seconds of the quiet place ,it really is amazing, the quiet place means allot to me cause somethimes you can b so stressed out ..but then i go to the quiet place for some relaxing :) , i hope for the more suprises are coming :)
chandra pepinosaved my life there.
mariana rodriguezthis is beautiful ♥. thank you ♥
rhianne mccallathank you for creating this amazing place we can all go to have 'us' time. x
john hillthank you sooooooo much ive been doing the daily 90sec. exercise for a few days now thank you so much.
beth readeri'm in love with this. it's so peaceful.
yaris perezi am in love with the quiet place.
mackenzie parkerthat was so beautiful, i almost cried.
victoria chamerrthis is absolutely amazing. thank you.
nina novoselokay... this is the most beautiful thing... ever.
linda wampler millercool...the quiet place which is within us all that makes us appreciate just breathing...just being alive and having this chance to be here : )
danny robertsthis is soooooo amazing! been doing this everyday! already i can feel a difference to myself!
tana smay♥ my new best friend. thank you so effing much :)
mariah francisi love the quiet place
marisa mcphersoni love the quiet place :] so stressed out today, but went to the quiet place so now i'm okay.
chloe graylingthis is more than a web page. thank you.
alexis cupcakess rogersa-may-zing!!! it made me feel peaceful... lol
jamerrow adaoi was doing this in the bus while i was heading my cousins house, it was 9:35pm, going through the freeway with bumps, hills, and turns, it was a bumpy ride. before i did this everybody on the was talking loud, then i started the quiet place, every one was silenced. it made me forgot all the things i was going through. i will do this everyday and everywhere i go. :)
fatma mohamedi want to live in the quiet place,but i dun know where i am live ?
emily anne mcburneyi was having a terrible day, then my friend sent me this.♥
i love you, and the quiet place.
vladimira asinorwow . this really spoke to me . when it was like goodbye i was like noooooo don't go .
min limbeautiful. absolutely amazing. :')
kelsie skittlez brelandthank you, quiet place. thank you so much. you've given me something i never thought i'd have again. ♥.
madalynn wardthe quite place + madalynn = happy madalynn (no capitals either c: )
timothea przeklasashhhhh.... please appreciate the quiet place in silence.....
ty cassensi was sad when you told me that you were going to 'say goodbye soon' :/
gabby freeli do this everyday when i get home from school if i can. it's amazing. you're great.
sean aguilarthank you for making my life easier to relax ♥
nicky romeroi think ♥ this can sum about my feelings for this :) i hear it everyday and i already feel the differences in my everyday life. thank you :d
bethany theisloved it :)
alana milleri cried . ♥
this place is wonderful .
teffi navarrothank you. a lot. you're amazing.
ching lohthank you for making the quiet place. i really appreciate it. 2 thumbs up the quiet place and millions and millions of ♥ ♥ ♥ for you, too. may god always bless you. =)
kati nicole arscottat the end when the quiet space says goodbye, i hang on for as long as i can because there have been too many goodbyes, and i don't want to leave or it to leave me. it makes me feel safe and calm. thank you so much for creating it. ♥
garrett gebhardtit says right in the thing to go explore a mountain.
lauren robinsoni needed a break, and i thought...
the quiet place would be perfect right now.
so i googled it, and turned off the lights and let my candle burn.
and breathed.
thank you so much ♥.
samantha marshallwhen i listened after a bit, something just clicked inside me and i started balling my eyes out. it felt so good to just let go of everything and cry like that, thank you so much.
roque james fejerani got this from my friend, i honestly thank you ♥& her for letting come to the quiet place. :) ♥
tom james tiberius korpthe 90 seconds of relaxation made me realzie just how much tension and stress i've been holding in.
definitely putting this on my daily to-do's!
the whole "i dont want to die of a stress induced heart attack at age 30" factor
katie bergeyvery helpful
roberto cortez juniori loved this place, the background song is so calm.. i just had to relax :)
cecilia katarina emilie brucewow, i really needed this. thank you!
ke chii love this.... i could actually embrace it for even an hour
sousou yehriteei love this ♥
jeslyn hiithank you. now i have a quiet place to go to every single day of my life.
ridge clutterthe quite place really kept me on track with my depression
haley palmerthis is the most amazing thing ever.
najia g imoullasthis. is. amazing.
jesse rileyi had lost a lot of hope for humanity but stumbled upon the web page and regained a little bit of hope. if people keep coming across the quiet place and changing a little, then we may have some hope for a better world. i'm so glad someone has created a peaceful way of conveying a truth that not many are willing to believe.
maha kadii just loved the everything, it's so true...
eeza sagmitwith all the stress that world has to offer, this made me feel so much better! thank you! :)
holly foremansaved it into much favourites. plan to go there as often as i can.
orla breege spurrthis is so wonderful. oh my goodness.
trevor carpenterthat like absolutely made my day. :)
kaitlin jaffei wanted to hug everyone i knew, thanks.
ronald eusebioit was as if
the world
as if
kathy vuui'm going to start to here every time i can feel the stress coming.
kyna drew inglethis was amazing. thank you so much.
yayly cespedesi cried ♥.♥ sometimes so many things just need to leave your beautiful head :3
deb zinggthank you...there is very little quiet in my life and i fully enjoyed this. ♥
lauren richeyi love this. i'll just have a quiet afternoon today, since i missed the day. :)
gustavo takashi berriosthis truly is a marvel to behold, i shall use it each day to call myself from the useless little things. thank you.
stephanie cordeirostill have the music in the background. so calming
chinmay gargrealized one little thing after visiting dis... try it... u may also discover something..!!
josh lamplrun, laugh, fall, cry, love, hurt, run, jump, skip, ride a bike, see a movie, punch a wall, draw a picture, take a picture, go to a concert, play an instrument, work a shitty job, scrape your knees, get dirty, drink a beer, smoke some weed, smell, look, watch,
usamae villarinoyou never fail to calm me down .. ♥
alicia kabaythat was just wow... thank you i needed that :)
detalje fortaellingfor a mind was as pure as a lotus. thank you in abundance.
jordan smiththis is all usually mushy stuff for me, but i can't deny it was calming.
natalie prerai feel super peaceful! the fudge man!
hayley boucherthis made my day
casey skomerthis was nice:) i kinda needed that. thanks
kena jimenez jaureguii love it ♥ thank you so much for creating pages like this one!!
bridgette greathouse wynnthere is a quiet place, far from the rapid pace where joy and peace abound...amid the noisy crowd, here we can "mute" the loud....then fade to "hush"...not to be found...
the quiet day a day when we all stop yelling at each other. we write everything in lower case.
click the icon to find out more.
zack highyou have no idea how much this helped me to relax and forget about my problems. and the background music is beautiful. thank you. :)
lyndall superllama hendricksonthank-you so much. i still have the music playing it's so soothing
heather desantisthis is absolutely the best thing for me right now. ♥
liz reesthis helped me get out the slump i've been in for a few days now. ♥
rachel mcgeethis is one fantastic way to make a difference in the world.
kenny cacereswith all the stupid constant worrying i have in my life... this was just.. amazing
thank you ♥
jan pelletierthe quiet place is so peaceful....try it. not a scam, just peace. do everything it says, and then share. :)
pei bartosisi love you quite place,i just love you :'(
nat pitirisaaahhhh..... relaxing, thanking you ♥
olivia stockhaving a place that takes me away, just for a little bit, from reality is lovely. it makes me better able to cope with the trauma of the real world.
liz wilcoxa breath of fresh air. i thank you.
jesse hacheyvery effective experience, amitay. :) that was very, very well done, many thanks to you.
gaia sfichthank you. i needed this.
brittany williamssometimes, it's nice to visit the quiet place.
sharon osorniothis is really beautiful :)..thank you! xx
sara modicamorei want to stay there for ever. thank you.
jennifer hopperi feel fantastic now. thank you for givig me those perfect 30 seconds.
melissa mazoi love when i leave the page up on safari on my phone, it continues to play in the background..
great when you want to nap.
i love the quiet place..
haylee hyslipi seriously needed this. thank you
paige dixoni'm doing this before bed every night now... thank you ♥
thumbe llinamagical...
kristie lily robsona kinda beautiful thing for people to expose themselves too yet still feel safe. you've invented something amazing & should feel so proud x
sonja chihiro sensome of you need to go to the the quiet place.
justin pattersonthis once a day has reduced my anxiety alot thank you so much
danielle pinsonit made me tear up.... why i have no clue but it did(:
amayrany rosasbest 30 seconds of little meaningless life.thank you!
lily josephinethis is absolutely beautiful, so peaceful and so simple...
thankyou for this ♥
maria bjorloi have used it every time i've felt stressed or just low.
it really does help me to calm down. thank you so much.
kheeyhaen tamitais it weird that i cried....
moon schultzas a stressed out college student, this is exactly what i need. i visit the site at least once a day, sometimes as often as three or four times.
taylor leewow . thank you so much for that . i really needed it . (:
phoebe morganthis was ...perfect...♥
sammi zellerthank you, the quiet place. i honestly love you.
wendy rodriguezi come here from time to time to clear my head.. thanks!
arielle damienne burawow, first time expieriencing the quiet place... it was nice. :) thank you.
natasha nixthank you. this... this made my day. thank you so so much.
wendy schachtervery nice......
laura martinezthank you. *feels great*
calsia sng kaishii'm so thankful for this every single day.
elisa grafthank you, really. the quiet place is so wonderful. ♥
lynn dee ackermanthank you so much♥ i really needed this. i will visit it everyday now. maybe even more.
kelsey kaosonce again this has helped me relax so much. (:
grace wenningtoni go. here a lot thank you :)
sarah l kingi don't really understand what happened in there, but it helped me so much.
chelsea santiagoi wanted to tell you thank you for bringing this to our hectic daily lives. i've been stressing so much. and you put the perfect music, something i carry with me all the time, and you made this perfect little getaway. again thank you and please keep doing what you're doing.
wouter deitzthanks. this makes you realise the beautiful things in life, and appreciate them. thanks.
victor remisthank you very very much ! it was... escaping !
jared michael velardethanks to the quiet place i feel much better. :)
sherri spinney goodwinis breathtaking .♥ thank you. i love you. ♥
ethan kyle weidenfeldi was so stressed out and when i had to wait 30 seconds i found myself looking at the clock, and it made me realize what our generation has come to.
jason padvoracwow, this was absolutely amazing. thank you for creating this -- and i can't wait to see what you do next.
nicole sveklai didn't wanna press the space bar when you said goodbye.
grace kellythankyou
ariana millerthis was amazing. i do not know why but it was :) thank you
callum dempsey leachi always tell my closest friends that words have the power to change the world and everything in it. real words. not political drafts across pen and page and not philosophy or physics trying to entangle time and space. real words can change the world, peoples hearts. save lives...
i wish more people could see that. but maybe now they might believe me.
jessie pomarethe perfect relief from a world of worries and a mountain of study, amazing what those 30 seconds can accomplish. i now aim to do this everyday, exactly what i needed
mia smartdont quite know what to say. thank you xxx
samantha bland‎*meditates*
chris westwow this website really got me thinking. it's a strong message that tells u too stop worrying about so many unimportant things. it tells u to take some time for yourself, and too just relax from time to time. thank you :)
melissa simpsoni go to the quiet place, every day. it helps lot, so thank you!
ethan bennetttoday while visiting the quiet place, as i reached the last period of the last slide, the sun came out. it was just for a minute, but it was beautiful.
edlynne joybadly needed this. thank you. you made me feel better ♥
patring limi need it. i like it very much. thank you. ♥
delacey bob rodriguezthis made my day ♥
toni mariethanks this really made my day i will go to the quiet place every time i feel stressed :)
alan lewis gordonso relaxing and calming
agam chopraace! good to know there are other people that appreciate this kind of stuff! (thought i was the only one!)
keziah morgani thought this was some sort of joke and then... wow.
heather housethank you. thank you so much.
whitney saintpreuxam i the only one who got sad when it said it was going to say goodbye soon? : )
brianna delahozi love this. so much. (': it really gives you a break, to stop thinking about everything. ♥
patricia glaseri ♥ the quiet place!!!
thea dominique cabales lumaquei like it much .. absolutely amazing. :')
trine fuqit kohlerthank you. this class just got a whole lot easier to get through.
yon yusuffthanks for reminding me about my "quiet place". it's true, the world is getting sicker and a lot of shats goin on..we should all take a short break frm all of this ruckus. :)
camila hernandezmerci beaucoup :) it feels great.
yael diliani love it. everytime.
francisco a. fernandezhad such a stressful day today so i decided to come here again... made my day once again.... thank you ♥ (:
miranda nicolle henckelyou put a smile on my face
brenna picarwhat the-- dang it! i went for the daily 90 seconds of exercise, started relaxing in the quiet place, and it took me an hour to realize the music finished... and i was still relaxing.
camen roylance jensenthe quiet place always turns my bad days around. :)
din lantion brauliothank u so much for making us realize that we needed a simple though brief, quiet time and place. and i thank my dear daughter for sharing this to me just when i needed it most...
alyssa radkei go to the quiet place like 3 times a day !
bailey zaorskii do the 90 seconds everyday♥ it always helps me escape the world... forget everything else thats happening. it especially helped me today. i still have the music playing♥
vic chaoticthe first time i ever went to the quiet place i seriously almost cried haha now i try and visit regularly. it still gets me sometimes >.<
kartikey groverhello !!
thank you ...thank you very much !!
brooke piescoi wish i had words to describe how much this helps.
victor remisthank you very very much ! it was... escaping !
trine fuqit kohlerthank you. this class just got a whole lot easier to get through.
ethan kyle weidenfeldi was so stressed out and when i had to wait 30 seconds i found myself looking at the clock, and it made me realize what our generation has come to.
chris westwow this website really got me thinking. it's a strong message that tells u too stop worrying about so many unimportant things. it tells u to take some time for yourself, and too just relax from time to time. thank you :)
alyssa radkei go to the quiet place like 3 times a day !
jared michael velardethanks to the quiet place i feel much better. :)
edlynne joybadly needed this. thank you. you made me feel better ♥
bailey zaorskii do the 90 seconds everyday♥ it always helps me escape the world... forget everything else thats happening. it especially helped me today. i still have the music playing♥
ariana millerthis was amazing. i do not know why but it was :) thank you
jason padvoracwow, this was absolutely amazing. thank you for creating this -- and i can't wait to see what you do next.
agam chopraace! good to know there are other people that appreciate this kind of stuff! (thought i was the only one!)
yon yusuffthanks for reminding me about my "quiet place". it's true, the world is getting sicker and a lot of shats goin on..we should all take a short break frm all of this ruckus. :)
samantha bland‎*meditates*
mia smartdont quite know what to say. thank you xxx
francisco a. fernandezhad such a stressful day today so i decided to come here again... made my day once again.... thank you ♥ (:
sherri spinney goodwinis breathtaking .♥ thank you. i love you. ♥
heather housethank you. thank you so much.
whitney saintpreuxam i the only one who got sad when it said it was going to say goodbye soon? : )
alan lewis gordonso relaxing and calming
brooke piescoi wish i had words to describe how much this helps.
callum dempsey leachi always tell my closest friends that words have the power to change the world and everything in it. real words. not political drafts across pen and page and not philosophy or physics trying to entangle time and space. real words can change the world, peoples hearts. save lives...
i wish more people could see that. but maybe now they might believe me.
camen roylance jensenthe quiet place always turns my bad days around. :)
kartikey groverhello !!
thank you ...thank you very much !!
melissa simpsoni go to the quiet place, every day. it helps lot, so thank you!
vic chaoticthe first time i ever went to the quiet place i seriously almost cried haha now i try and visit regularly. it still gets me sometimes >.<
miranda nicolle henckelyou put a smile on my face
brenna picarwhat the-- dang it! i went for the daily 90 seconds of exercise, started relaxing in the quiet place, and it took me an hour to realize the music finished... and i was still relaxing.
ethan bennetttoday while visiting the quiet place, as i reached the last period of the last slide, the sun came out. it was just for a minute, but it was beautiful.
camila hernandezmerci beaucoup :) it feels great.
delacey bob rodriguezthis made my day ♥
din lantion brauliothank u so much for making us realize that we needed a simple though brief, quiet time and place. and i thank my dear daughter for sharing this to me just when i needed it most...
yael diliani love it. everytime.
chelsea santiagoi wanted to tell you thank you for bringing this to our hectic daily lives. i've been stressing so much. and you put the perfect music, something i carry with me all the time, and you made this perfect little getaway. again thank you and please keep doing what you're doing.
patring limi need it. i like it very much. thank you. ♥
brianna delahozi love this. so much. (': it really gives you a break, to stop thinking about everything. ♥
nicole sveklai didn't wanna press the space bar when you said goodbye.
keziah morgani thought this was some sort of joke and then... wow.
grace kellythankyou
thea dominique cabales lumaquei like it much .. absolutely amazing. :')
sarah l kingi don't really understand what happened in there, but it helped me so much.
jessie pomarethe perfect relief from a world of worries and a mountain of study, amazing what those 30 seconds can accomplish. i now aim to do this everyday, exactly what i needed
patricia glaseri ♥ the quiet place!!!
toni mariethanks this really made my day i will go to the quiet place every time i feel stressed :)
wouter deitzthanks. this makes you realise the beautiful things in life, and appreciate them. thanks.
grace wenningtoni go. here a lot thank you :)
chris westwow this website really got me thinking. it's a strong message that tells u too stop worrying about so many unimportant things. it tells u to take some time for yourself, and too just relax from time to time. thank you :)
nicole sveklai didn't wanna press the space bar when you said goodbye.
patring limi need it. i like it very much. thank you. ♥
melissa simpsoni go to the quiet place, every day. it helps lot, so thank you!
grace wenningtoni go. here a lot thank you :)
yon yusuffthanks for reminding me about my "quiet place". it's true, the world is getting sicker and a lot of shats goin on..we should all take a short break frm all of this ruckus. :)
mia smartdont quite know what to say. thank you xxx
jared michael velardethanks to the quiet place i feel much better. :)
din lantion brauliothank u so much for making us realize that we needed a simple though brief, quiet time and place. and i thank my dear daughter for sharing this to me just when i needed it most...
ethan kyle weidenfeldi was so stressed out and when i had to wait 30 seconds i found myself looking at the clock, and it made me realize what our generation has come to.
trine fuqit kohlerthank you. this class just got a whole lot easier to get through.
vic chaoticthe first time i ever went to the quiet place i seriously almost cried haha now i try and visit regularly. it still gets me sometimes >.<
samantha bland‎*meditates*
chelsea santiagoi wanted to tell you thank you for bringing this to our hectic daily lives. i've been stressing so much. and you put the perfect music, something i carry with me all the time, and you made this perfect little getaway. again thank you and please keep doing what you're doing.
yael diliani love it. everytime.
edlynne joybadly needed this. thank you. you made me feel better ♥
ethan bennetttoday while visiting the quiet place, as i reached the last period of the last slide, the sun came out. it was just for a minute, but it was beautiful.
camila hernandezmerci beaucoup :) it feels great.
heather housethank you. thank you so much.
alan lewis gordonso relaxing and calming
jessie pomarethe perfect relief from a world of worries and a mountain of study, amazing what those 30 seconds can accomplish. i now aim to do this everyday, exactly what i needed
callum dempsey leachi always tell my closest friends that words have the power to change the world and everything in it. real words. not political drafts across pen and page and not philosophy or physics trying to entangle time and space. real words can change the world, peoples hearts. save lives...
i wish more people could see that. but maybe now they might believe me.
thea dominique cabales lumaquei like it much .. absolutely amazing. :')
brianna delahozi love this. so much. (': it really gives you a break, to stop thinking about everything. ♥
whitney saintpreuxam i the only one who got sad when it said it was going to say goodbye soon? : )
victor remisthank you very very much ! it was... escaping !
wouter deitzthanks. this makes you realise the beautiful things in life, and appreciate them. thanks.
francisco a. fernandezhad such a stressful day today so i decided to come here again... made my day once again.... thank you ♥ (:
sherri spinney goodwinis breathtaking .♥ thank you. i love you. ♥
toni mariethanks this really made my day i will go to the quiet place every time i feel stressed :)
brenna picarwhat the-- dang it! i went for the daily 90 seconds of exercise, started relaxing in the quiet place, and it took me an hour to realize the music finished... and i was still relaxing.
grace kellythankyou
patricia glaseri ♥ the quiet place!!!
delacey bob rodriguezthis made my day ♥
bailey zaorskii do the 90 seconds everyday♥ it always helps me escape the world... forget everything else thats happening. it especially helped me today. i still have the music playing♥
sarah l kingi don't really understand what happened in there, but it helped me so much.
agam chopraace! good to know there are other people that appreciate this kind of stuff! (thought i was the only one!)
alyssa radkei go to the quiet place like 3 times a day !
brooke piescoi wish i had words to describe how much this helps.
kartikey groverhello !!
thank you ...thank you very much !!
jason padvoracwow, this was absolutely amazing. thank you for creating this -- and i can't wait to see what you do next.
camen roylance jensenthe quiet place always turns my bad days around. :)
ariana millerthis was amazing. i do not know why but it was :) thank you
miranda nicolle henckelyou put a smile on my face
keziah morgani thought this was some sort of joke and then... wow.