madalynn wardthe quite place + madalynn = happy madalynn (no capitals either c: )

phrarida lou-kay luang-rathi was a little stressed out. but it actually made me feel really better. thank you♥ i'll be coming back soon. (:

ethan bennetttoday while visiting the quiet place, as i reached the last period of the last slide, the sun came out. it was just for a minute, but it was beautiful.

ahmer syed hussaindude! the ending words
*i am gonna say goodbye soon*
just really touched my heartt itss fantastic 10/10 ♥

kira best♥ i need more than 30 seconds. :(

louise lawi love this so much, thank you for creating such a beautifully peaceful place to go.

alison burleighperfect for me and lot of people i know with mental health issues thank you lots (sigh)

amber neali almost shed a tear. the music is beautiful and the site is simple. it was that moving. thank you. :d

ariana millerthis was amazing. i do not know why but it was :) thank you

kelsie skittlez brelandthank you, quiet place. thank you so much. you've given me something i never thought i'd have again. ♥.

ethlyn levythis makes me so relived ♥.♥

taylor leewow . thank you so much for that . i really needed it . (:

kelsey kaosthis is so nice. it really helps. (: ♥

samantha murraythis week has been incredibly rough and i really really really needed so watch that and listen to the music thank you so much ♥ ♥ ♥

ashleenicole martinezthis is amazing.. never experienced anything like this, never felt so at peace.. thank you. -ashleenicole♥

zyl ramos betoniowe need to pause for a while

dom ehlertthis is perfect. it's so easy to get caught up in deadlines and university applications and job prospects and panic... but this really worked. thank you so much.

keziah morgani thought this was some sort of joke and then... wow.

danielle smiththank you so much, it's really surprising to me how stressed we can get with constant connection. this is a perfect way to just disconnect for a moment.

noah batesi just had the most amazing quiet time. i suggest you do the same. the quiet place.

mustafa baqarii love my quiet place! :) :)

jordan smiththis is all usually mushy stuff for me, but i can't deny it was calming.

caro olagueomg, this is so awesome, i really needed that

isabel queirozeveryone should try this~

amanda jacobsenthank you, after a really stressful day this was very calming!!

lin meiling it doesn't even need to be facebook and "other sites", it's just a break from life as a whole.

ruth carrollawesome, it brought me to my favorite quiet place, the peak of croagh patrick. our god is awesome. thank you amitay

joao carapinhai must say that this touched me and helped me to keep calm and relax for a while, everyone should watch this, and that would somehow change the world(i hope).

maxime lacasseamazing ideas and inventions are only starting from one's vision or a flash that appeared before his eyes.
thank you.

alexander manningstumbled upon this. was nice to have that "quiet time". had a pretty real smile happen thanks to the simplicity and elegance of this project.

wileth janei will always visit the quiet place...and it will be my favorite place :) godbless

brittany williamssometimes, it's nice to visit the quiet place.

kay ann casupangnice.. i just smiled all the way.

heather desantisthis is absolutely the best thing for me right now. ♥

garrett gebhardtit says right in the thing to go explore a mountain.

chloe theophiloui love 'the quiet place'. it helped me today of all days because i wasn't feeling well :) i feel so calm and peaceful ♥ x

katy lynn wattafter i left the quite place, everything on the internet seemed so loud - i think i'll go back for a while longer ♥

samantha marshallwhen i listened after a bit, something just clicked inside me and i started balling my eyes out. it felt so good to just let go of everything and cry like that, thank you so much.

sara elizabeth closebeautiful. thank you for this. it made me cry :)

lianna elizaveta killjoyi didn't even realize i needed this until i was there.

lily golightlythe quiet place is beautiful and lovely and much needed ♥

laura martinezthank you. *feels great*

kathleen halakthank you and blessings for this wonderful page of peace.

kelsey kaosonce again this has helped me relax so much. (:

alexis kagamine cranehonestly, the only words i can say are thank you. thank you so much for creating the quiet place, whenever i visit it makes me feel so happy and peaceful. i love this so much. and thank you once again, for making me smile. :)

danielle sextonthis made my night. i have severe anxiety, and true peace and calm and quiet is hard for me to come by. but this gave that to me for just a few moments. thank you.

amii-louise hilli have the quiet place bookmarked so when i need a break i always listen to the music for, what seems, hours. such an amazing site. the best feeling of tranquility for anyone. (: ♥

alicia galevithat was amazing. i didn't realize how on-edge i was until i started to feel better. thank you.

ruth romeroi just cried a river & i dont know why♥ but it was nice

ellen pietschmanni cry. and cry again.

mariana rodriguezthis is beautiful ♥. thank you ♥

daniel mckiernani always use this every couple of weeks.

alana milleri cried . ♥
this place is wonderful .

jessie pomarethe perfect relief from a world of worries and a mountain of study, amazing what those 30 seconds can accomplish. i now aim to do this everyday, exactly what i needed

christian davidbeautiful stuff, thank you.

irvin calderathis made me want to cry. thank you so much for doing this! :)

sarah leoni love the quiet place...definitely needed it from all the stress i was going through...thanks :)

gaia sfichthank you. i needed this.

lily josephinethis is absolutely beautiful, so peaceful and so simple...
thankyou for this ♥

thea dominique cabales lumaquei like it much .. absolutely amazing. :')

casey skomerthis was nice:) i kinda needed that. thanks

joris vanelderenhaha ,i discovered the quiet place some weeks ago i think ,sinds then always have my daily 90seconds of the quiet place ,it really is amazing, the quiet place means allot to me cause somethimes you can b so stressed out ..but then i go to the quiet place for some relaxing :) , i hope for the more suprises are coming :)

terry constancei know this is probably said often.. but reading this really made me realize how much time i've wasted, worrying about things that were so pointless. i thank whoever made this, truly, because it's made me view my whole life from a new perspective.

rachel mcgeethis is one fantastic way to make a difference in the world.

riley dixoneveryday before school, i'm going to sit on my bus and play lost - life & death and visit my quiet place. thank you

moona lionessi was soooooo relaxed i almost fall asleep !! =)

francisco a. fernandezhad such a stressful day today so i decided to come here again... made my day once again.... thank you ♥ (:

eeza sagmitwith all the stress that world has to offer, this made me feel so much better! thank you! :)

victoria chamerrthis is absolutely amazing. thank you.

taris whitei really need this from time to time ♥

ronald eusebioit was as if
the world
as if

david slomathis is really fucking awesome.

emma zeunerti love the quiet place :)

phoebe morganthis was ...perfect...♥

alya nadhirah mudzaffarthank you. you are amazing.

marco alessandro floresi just finished entering the quiet place. it was a brilliant idea. thanks for those 30 seconds of calm.

ashley hansenjust what i needed! thanks to my friend who shared it with me. :)

the quiet day
a day when we all stop yelling at each other. we write everything in lower case.
click the icon to find out more.

christian rossi've been feeling really stressed lately, all just from worrying about, meaningless .. little.. things. this is just what i needed, thank you.

morgan galliganthis is amazing.

jennifer manningthank you. thank you for giving the world a place it needs to slow down and breathe. thank you ♥

brenna francisthanks(: i feel relieved and calm.

keomani marina xaykosythat just helped me soo much ..

elbert john felipethe world needs more peace like this.

ethan kyle weidenfeldi was so stressed out and when i had to wait 30 seconds i found myself looking at the clock, and it made me realize what our generation has come to.

tom james tiberius korpthe 90 seconds of relaxation made me realzie just how much tension and stress i've been holding in.
definitely putting this on my daily to-do's!
the whole "i dont want to die of a stress induced heart attack at age 30" factor

min limbeautiful. absolutely amazing. :')

alan lewis gordonso relaxing and calming

fatma mohamedi want to live in the quiet place,but i dun know where i am live ?

emily anne mcburneyi was having a terrible day, then my friend sent me this.♥
i love you, and the quiet place.

sandy vangit was a beautiful thing , i needed that break thanks♥

nina novoselokay... this is the most beautiful thing... ever.

jonathan turnerit's nice to go here every once and a while and realize just how much social networking and media impacts our lives and how the smallest things that happen on these sites really get to us. who are we really in today's world? are we us or are we what the world thinks we are. are we acting like we normally would in real life or are we acting out of fear of what might be posted on the social media sites? give it some thought, and go to the quiet place for a minute.

ke chii love this.... i could actually embrace it for even an hour

jayson gulen artatesthank you. we all need to find a quiet place for jus a moment occasionally.. i have the feeling i'll be a beloved regular.

jillian janssoni really needed this today. thanks.

maha kadii just loved the everything, it's so true...

nicole sveklai didn't wanna press the space bar when you said goodbye.

hayley boucherthis made my day

chinmay gargrealized one little thing after visiting dis... try it... u may also discover something..!!

aaron labertewthe lost music almost freaked me out, but very relaxing once i got used to it heheh :-)

rachel kwakthis is truly beautiful, but its the music that catchs you crying :)

chelsea martinjust visited the quiet place for the first time. wow. let's just say it's my new homepage, replacing facebook and twitter. everyone needs a good dose of the quiet place. great project, thanks!

aimee buissinnejus wat i needed... feel awesome now.. thanks much.. xxx

shannon tubbsplain and simple... thank you.

edrese mikaela cruzit's exactly what i needed to escape all the problems of yesterday.

yuka jacob aroraaahhh this saved my life! :) i will go on this every day. ♥

daulton scottthank you thank you thank you! :)

chelsea santiagoi wanted to tell you thank you for bringing this to our hectic daily lives. i've been stressing so much. and you put the perfect music, something i carry with me all the time, and you made this perfect little getaway. again thank you and please keep doing what you're doing.

rayray liangthis really reminded me of what matters .. and the meaningless things that we constantly do.

billy solis:') the best 30 seconds of my life ♥

malak abuzgayaaboslutely extraodinary.
thank you, seriously. thanks.
it was needed ♥

athena tranyeah so i was doing the daily 90 seconds thing and then when i closed my eyes, my sister asked, "are you sleeping?" i was like wtf you just killed it.

bia magalhaesthank you!

olivia stockhaving a place that takes me away, just for a little bit, from reality is lovely. it makes me better able to cope with the trauma of the real world.

chris westwow this website really got me thinking. it's a strong message that tells u too stop worrying about so many unimportant things. it tells u to take some time for yourself, and too just relax from time to time. thank you :)

ankush tayalits good to be here..

anna idgaf russelli do this just about once a week. more often now than ever though. if not for this.. i'd be completely stressed, thank you.

cristine bugarini felt calm and amazing. i haven't felt this for like "forever". thank you. i loved it. it helped a lot. ♥ muchlove :')

ma cristina milagrosathanks its feels good

angelea santelices sedilloi love it! ♥ it felt so good :)

maria orryou may never know how much this helps. thank you.

trine fuqit kohlerthank you. this class just got a whole lot easier to get through.

asmaite gebi'm so at ease, thank you :)

wouter deitzthanks. this makes you realise the beautiful things in life, and appreciate them. thanks.

konstanza torrealbait was awesome :) thank you so much, i needed.

maria bjorloi have used it every time i've felt stressed or just low.
it really does help me to calm down. thank you so much.

ty cassensi was sad when you told me that you were going to 'say goodbye soon' :/

charlotte poss chromiaklovely. thank you.

roma lamori feel better now. thank you.

ines soaresthank you, thank you, thank you ♥

carl scarletthis is so right. and it made me think. the world is changing too much.

alexx stengerthis really helps me get through my stressful days, thankyou♥

grace wenningtoni go. here a lot thank you :)

alex kristiannei love this. thank you so much, for letting me have some relaxation from my problems.

chris stepheni have had a lot of things on my mind lately. the quiet place has let my worries go and let me be thankful for what i have. thanks.

evette nixonthank you for this quiet place.

zul fahmithis helped me alot and now i do realize how much time i wasted on meeningless.little.things. thanks man. very much appreciate. :)

gustavo takashi berriosthis truly is a marvel to behold, i shall use it each day to call myself from the useless little things. thank you.

wendy schachtervery nice......

thien hoangi love this. this is now my pre-sleep ritual.

catherine jarockii literally felt the tension drain from my body. thank you so much :)

paul zornthank you so unbelievably much. you saved my life and i can never thank you enough ♥

betsy carterquiet place brought tears to my eyes this morning. in a good way. thx :)

liz wilcoxa breath of fresh air. i thank you.

manal imteazjust loved the journey.... it's beautiful<3the background music is awesome!

sammi zellerthank you, the quiet place. i honestly love you.

brooke piescoi wish i had words to describe how much this helps.

denise williamsonthis helped me more than i could ever say. :)

lizzie deannethank you. my bad week just got a bit better. :)

din lantion brauliothank u so much for making us realize that we needed a simple though brief, quiet time and place. and i thank my dear daughter for sharing this to me just when i needed it most...

kena jimenez jaureguii love it ♥ thank you so much for creating pages like this one!!

seung batistewow -- i think everyone should go to this magical place of peace. and chill out for once, just enjoy being here. :-d

carly bestermanive already used this twice today. phenomenal.

lauren richeyi love this. i'll just have a quiet afternoon today, since i missed the day. :)

jennifer murillothis just made my day! i was having such a horrible day and this changed my whole mood. thank you so much!

kristine shadidthis really is something amazing.
simple, yet amazing.
thank you so much.

benjamin cormallethi haven't heard that in a long, long time. it brings me back to myself. thank you. thank you. this means more to me then i could ever say.

mary madeleine grewi am going to be coming back to the quiet place frequently now... thank you, it's perfect

asheea smithwow...something so simple.......i absolutley loved it.........had a long day at work, school..........i . loved. this. beautiful. i wish you success

nick wheeleri really needed that, thanks for this page.

victoria hurtgeni really enjoyed this.

liz reesthis helped me get out the slump i've been in for a few days now. ♥

patricia glaseri ♥ the quiet place!!!

kristie lily robsona kinda beautiful thing for people to expose themselves too yet still feel safe. you've invented something amazing & should feel so proud x

konstanza torrealbait was awesome :) thank you so much, i needed.

nick wheeleri really needed that, thanks for this page.

trine fuqit kohlerthank you. this class just got a whole lot easier to get through.

din lantion brauliothank u so much for making us realize that we needed a simple though brief, quiet time and place. and i thank my dear daughter for sharing this to me just when i needed it most...

alexx stengerthis really helps me get through my stressful days, thankyou♥

lizzie deannethank you. my bad week just got a bit better. :)

thien hoangi love this. this is now my pre-sleep ritual.

gustavo takashi berriosthis truly is a marvel to behold, i shall use it each day to call myself from the useless little things. thank you.

patricia glaseri ♥ the quiet place!!!

kristine shadidthis really is something amazing.
simple, yet amazing.
thank you so much.

sammi zellerthank you, the quiet place. i honestly love you.

ines soaresthank you, thank you, thank you ♥

grace wenningtoni go. here a lot thank you :)

wouter deitzthanks. this makes you realise the beautiful things in life, and appreciate them. thanks.

asheea smithwow...something so simple.......i absolutley loved it.........had a long day at work, school..........i . loved. this. beautiful. i wish you success

betsy carterquiet place brought tears to my eyes this morning. in a good way. thx :)

evette nixonthank you for this quiet place.

seung batistewow -- i think everyone should go to this magical place of peace. and chill out for once, just enjoy being here. :-d

victoria hurtgeni really enjoyed this.

benjamin cormallethi haven't heard that in a long, long time. it brings me back to myself. thank you. thank you. this means more to me then i could ever say.

catherine jarockii literally felt the tension drain from my body. thank you so much :)

liz reesthis helped me get out the slump i've been in for a few days now. ♥

charlotte poss chromiaklovely. thank you.

kristie lily robsona kinda beautiful thing for people to expose themselves too yet still feel safe. you've invented something amazing & should feel so proud x

maria bjorloi have used it every time i've felt stressed or just low.
it really does help me to calm down. thank you so much.

lauren richeyi love this. i'll just have a quiet afternoon today, since i missed the day. :)

roma lamori feel better now. thank you.

chris stepheni have had a lot of things on my mind lately. the quiet place has let my worries go and let me be thankful for what i have. thanks.

wendy schachtervery nice......

mary madeleine grewi am going to be coming back to the quiet place frequently now... thank you, it's perfect

carly bestermanive already used this twice today. phenomenal.

denise williamsonthis helped me more than i could ever say. :)

asmaite gebi'm so at ease, thank you :)

liz wilcoxa breath of fresh air. i thank you.

ty cassensi was sad when you told me that you were going to 'say goodbye soon' :/

jennifer murillothis just made my day! i was having such a horrible day and this changed my whole mood. thank you so much!

kena jimenez jaureguii love it ♥ thank you so much for creating pages like this one!!

angelea santelices sedilloi love it! ♥ it felt so good :)

maria orryou may never know how much this helps. thank you.

paul zornthank you so unbelievably much. you saved my life and i can never thank you enough ♥

brooke piescoi wish i had words to describe how much this helps.

manal imteazjust loved the journey.... it's beautiful<3the background music is awesome!

carl scarletthis is so right. and it made me think. the world is changing too much.

zul fahmithis helped me alot and now i do realize how much time i wasted on meeningless.little.things. thanks man. very much appreciate. :)

alex kristiannei love this. thank you so much, for letting me have some relaxation from my problems.

lizzie deannethank you. my bad week just got a bit better. :)

roma lamori feel better now. thank you.

carl scarletthis is so right. and it made me think. the world is changing too much.

maria bjorloi have used it every time i've felt stressed or just low.
it really does help me to calm down. thank you so much.

ty cassensi was sad when you told me that you were going to 'say goodbye soon' :/

chris stepheni have had a lot of things on my mind lately. the quiet place has let my worries go and let me be thankful for what i have. thanks.

maria orryou may never know how much this helps. thank you.

angelea santelices sedilloi love it! ♥ it felt so good :)

denise williamsonthis helped me more than i could ever say. :)

wendy schachtervery nice......

seung batistewow -- i think everyone should go to this magical place of peace. and chill out for once, just enjoy being here. :-d

paul zornthank you so unbelievably much. you saved my life and i can never thank you enough ♥

thien hoangi love this. this is now my pre-sleep ritual.

kena jimenez jaureguii love it ♥ thank you so much for creating pages like this one!!

gustavo takashi berriosthis truly is a marvel to behold, i shall use it each day to call myself from the useless little things. thank you.

liz reesthis helped me get out the slump i've been in for a few days now. ♥

lauren richeyi love this. i'll just have a quiet afternoon today, since i missed the day. :)

patricia glaseri ♥ the quiet place!!!

charlotte poss chromiaklovely. thank you.

carly bestermanive already used this twice today. phenomenal.

ines soaresthank you, thank you, thank you ♥

mary madeleine grewi am going to be coming back to the quiet place frequently now... thank you, it's perfect

jennifer murillothis just made my day! i was having such a horrible day and this changed my whole mood. thank you so much!

manal imteazjust loved the journey.... it's beautiful<3the background music is awesome!

alex kristiannei love this. thank you so much, for letting me have some relaxation from my problems.

liz wilcoxa breath of fresh air. i thank you.

benjamin cormallethi haven't heard that in a long, long time. it brings me back to myself. thank you. thank you. this means more to me then i could ever say.

kristine shadidthis really is something amazing.
simple, yet amazing.
thank you so much.

sammi zellerthank you, the quiet place. i honestly love you.

brooke piescoi wish i had words to describe how much this helps.

kristie lily robsona kinda beautiful thing for people to expose themselves too yet still feel safe. you've invented something amazing & should feel so proud x

wouter deitzthanks. this makes you realise the beautiful things in life, and appreciate them. thanks.

asheea smithwow...something so simple.......i absolutley loved it.........had a long day at work, school..........i . loved. this. beautiful. i wish you success

victoria hurtgeni really enjoyed this.

nick wheeleri really needed that, thanks for this page.

betsy carterquiet place brought tears to my eyes this morning. in a good way. thx :)

konstanza torrealbait was awesome :) thank you so much, i needed.

catherine jarockii literally felt the tension drain from my body. thank you so much :)

trine fuqit kohlerthank you. this class just got a whole lot easier to get through.

evette nixonthank you for this quiet place.

grace wenningtoni go. here a lot thank you :)

zul fahmithis helped me alot and now i do realize how much time i wasted on meeningless.little.things. thanks man. very much appreciate. :)

din lantion brauliothank u so much for making us realize that we needed a simple though brief, quiet time and place. and i thank my dear daughter for sharing this to me just when i needed it most...

asmaite gebi'm so at ease, thank you :)

alexx stengerthis really helps me get through my stressful days, thankyou♥