the quiet place project

millions of souls chose quiet. see why :)
evette nixonthank you for this quiet place.
lauren robinsoni needed a break, and i thought...
the quiet place would be perfect right now.
so i googled it, and turned off the lights and let my candle burn.
and breathed.
thank you so much ♥.
bia magalhaesthank you!
becca hillthank you. you cannot even imagine how much i really needed this at the very moment i found it.
elli aggelidouit is my homepage now.
kelsie skittlez brelandthank you, quiet place. thank you so much. you've given me something i never thought i'd have again. ♥.
alicia galevithat was amazing. i didn't realize how on-edge i was until i started to feel better. thank you.
ethan bennetttoday while visiting the quiet place, as i reached the last period of the last slide, the sun came out. it was just for a minute, but it was beautiful.
asheea smithwow...something so simple.......i absolutley loved it.........had a long day at work, school..........i . loved. this. beautiful. i wish you success
kheeyhaen tamitais it weird that i cried....
jordan smiththis is all usually mushy stuff for me, but i can't deny it was calming.
lily golightlythe quiet place is beautiful and lovely and much needed ♥
beth readeri'm in love with this. it's so peaceful.
rose tozer‎30 seconds i'll cherish forever
joshua pingleyi will actually be phone less for a few days and the quiet place really helped me realize that's not so bad! :d
otto billstromcalmed my mind, which has a loot on it! thanks a bunch guys! it is fantastic!
shannon tubbsplain and simple... thank you.
anna wrighti just sat outside with this... it made my day so much better.
zack highyou have no idea how much this helped me to relax and forget about my problems. and the background music is beautiful. thank you. :)
jared michael velardethanks to the quiet place i feel much better. :)
jennifer hopperi feel fantastic now. thank you for givig me those perfect 30 seconds.
chinmay gargrealized one little thing after visiting dis... try it... u may also discover something..!!
keziah morgani thought this was some sort of joke and then... wow.
emma cooksonafter reading it, i feel like everything that has been messed up in my life is bearable and that maybe i don't need to drown my feelings in alcohol. maybe all i really need was a quite place ♥
jenny gaoyou guys are genuinely wonderful ♥ i'll remember to come back
tom james tiberius korpthe 90 seconds of relaxation made me realzie just how much tension and stress i've been holding in.
definitely putting this on my daily to-do's!
the whole "i dont want to die of a stress induced heart attack at age 30" factor
juan ignacio rodriguezi love the quiet place ♥
grace kellythankyou
danielle duffythank you. for everything.
seung batistewow -- i think everyone should go to this magical place of peace. and chill out for once, just enjoy being here. :-d
brenna francisthanks(: i feel relieved and calm.
nishaul rajroopthis is one of the greatest things ever. thank you so much ♥
yaris perezi am in love with the quiet place.
debbie taythank you, i freaking cried. thank you so, so very much.
kathy vuui'm going to start to here every time i can feel the stress coming.
yon yusuffthanks for reminding me about my "quiet place". it's true, the world is getting sicker and a lot of shats goin on..we should all take a short break frm all of this ruckus. :)
richard furtadoloved that. thank you
catherine jarockii literally felt the tension drain from my body. thank you so much :)
kat dumai needed that thanx. now i know i have a place i can go to when i'm stressed or jus need to get away from everyone. i love this page♥
brittany williamssometimes, it's nice to visit the quiet place.
manal imteazjust loved the journey.... it's beautiful<3the background music is awesome!
melissa simpsoni go to the quiet place, every day. it helps lot, so thank you!
christian davidbeautiful stuff, thank you.
maha kadii just loved the everything, it's so true...
edrese mikaela cruzit's exactly what i needed to escape all the problems of yesterday.
beth kerri found this, and it really made me realise how much this generation has changed. even when i am laughing with friends, someone will still go "yeah, i'll message you on facebook" or "you got that off facebook!". the internet runs our lives, and it isn't a nice feeling when you realise that your life has been wasted away on the internet. i just wish that more people would understand this.
thank you.
kristine shadidthis really is something amazing.
simple, yet amazing.
thank you so much.
mursyidaglad i found this ♥
ethlyn levythis makes me so relived ♥.♥
mady barkleyso simple, but amazing. thank you(:
ines soaresthank you, thank you, thank you ♥
nick wheeleri really needed that, thanks for this page.
adam sparkesno idea how much this helps.
eeza sagmitwith all the stress that world has to offer, this made me feel so much better! thank you! :)
kaitlyn cheyenne furlongthank you. everyone needs this. ♥
patring limi need it. i like it very much. thank you. ♥
laura martinezthank you. *feels great*
patti fulton eberweinssshh hold on to the quiet
sousou yehriteei love this ♥
jayson gulen artatesthank you. we all need to find a quiet place for jus a moment occasionally.. i have the feeling i'll be a beloved regular.
calsia sng kaishii'm so thankful for this every single day.
wendy schachtervery nice......
nat pitirisaaahhhh..... relaxing, thanking you ♥
amanda fabri marchettii was cutting myself and found this. as i was reading that, i stopped cutting myself slowly because it made me realize how beautiful life can be. its words were everything i needed. thank you very much.
asmaite gebi'm so at ease, thank you :)
josh lamplrun, laugh, fall, cry, love, hurt, run, jump, skip, ride a bike, see a movie, punch a wall, draw a picture, take a picture, go to a concert, play an instrument, work a shitty job, scrape your knees, get dirty, drink a beer, smoke some weed, smell, look, watch,
kartikey groverhello !!
thank you ...thank you very much !!
jon-anthoni nievesmy friend just sent me the link this site. it's so me!! i needed this. thank you quiet place. you can trust i'll be taking a real break real soon! :)
roque james fejerani got this from my friend, i honestly thank you ♥& her for letting come to the quiet place. :) ♥
opening my eyetonight seemed to be going wrong, but i decided to stop and take a look at the quiet place. this brings it back to the center. i"m glad i found this site earlier this summer. if you ever feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start, just check this out. i promise it'll help at least a little.

anna idgaf russelli do this just about once a week. more often now than ever though. if not for this.. i'd be completely stressed, thank you.
angelea santelices sedilloi love it! ♥ it felt so good :)
rowel danaomade my day.. ♥
kira best♥ i need more than 30 seconds. :(
elisa grafthank you, really. the quiet place is so wonderful. ♥
zul fahmithis helped me alot and now i do realize how much time i wasted on meeningless.little.things. thanks man. very much appreciate. :)
nicole gallardothis is so amazing! it helped me a lot! :) thank you so much! ♥
the quiet day a day when we all stop yelling at each other. we write everything in lower case.
click the icon to find out more.
asha moyejeez this is amazing. bless you. ♥
akira vincithanks i was just getting so annoyed that i came across this and read the desc im like aww >_< yay i feel so much better
jonathan turnerit's nice to go here every once and a while and realize just how much social networking and media impacts our lives and how the smallest things that happen on these sites really get to us. who are we really in today's world? are we us or are we what the world thinks we are. are we acting like we normally would in real life or are we acting out of fear of what might be posted on the social media sites? give it some thought, and go to the quiet place for a minute.
mariah francisi love the quiet place
dominique lanemost amazing thing ever. i will gladly spread the word to as many people as possible ♥ thank you
anna marie gravesi loved the simplicity.
anjelik lydia cruzi love doing this. i do it every day. thank you so much ♥
kiana storybest. 30. seconds. ever. ♥
chelsea martinjust visited the quiet place for the first time. wow. let's just say it's my new homepage, replacing facebook and twitter. everyone needs a good dose of the quiet place. great project, thanks!
aysiah atyra stroudlove this thing, i honestly was going to rage but thankfully i remembered this. calmed my nerves down a bunch of notches. have no idea what i would have done if i hadn't clicked the site again.
myheshni pillayi'm heading to my quiet place now :))
mary madeleine grewi am going to be coming back to the quiet place frequently now... thank you, it's perfect
ankush tayalits good to be here..
micah thompsonwow... that was nice.
phoebe morganthis was ...perfect...♥
bryan topaciothis is my everything :)
dom ehlertthis is perfect. it's so easy to get caught up in deadlines and university applications and job prospects and panic... but this really worked. thank you so much.
katie raymondi cried happy tears. thank you.
brenna picarwhat the-- dang it! i went for the daily 90 seconds of exercise, started relaxing in the quiet place, and it took me an hour to realize the music finished... and i was still relaxing.
jamerrow adaoi was doing this in the bus while i was heading my cousins house, it was 9:35pm, going through the freeway with bumps, hills, and turns, it was a bumpy ride. before i did this everybody on the was talking loud, then i started the quiet place, every one was silenced. it made me forgot all the things i was going through. i will do this everyday and everywhere i go. :)
joyce christian asilumthe sounds makes me so inlove. ♥ relaxing. :">
shannon speed demon friscothis is exactly what i needed. ♥
iman tragic mithait was amazing. after it you just feel.. whoa!
luke stanekthe quiet place reminded me that it's ok to only have a few facebook friends (my real friends). in fact, it's quieter that way.
timothea przeklasashhhhh.... please appreciate the quiet place in silence.....
callum dempsey leachi always tell my closest friends that words have the power to change the world and everything in it. real words. not political drafts across pen and page and not philosophy or physics trying to entangle time and space. real words can change the world, peoples hearts. save lives...
i wish more people could see that. but maybe now they might believe me.
dora bleeckerthat was so simple, beautifull and elegant. wonderfull. just the thing i needed. i swear i could feel all the bad things slip away
olivia greythis is actually amazing.
rene rodriguezyou are making me smile, did you knew that?
alana milleri cried . ♥
this place is wonderful .
allison jongi cried when i go the quiet place..sometimes we just forget to take a break
orla breege spurrthis is so wonderful. oh my goodness.
mary jane childersso peaceful!!!
linda wampler millercool...the quiet place which is within us all that makes us appreciate just breathing...just being alive and having this chance to be here : )
jeslyn hiithank you. now i have a quiet place to go to every single day of my life.
alexis kagamine cranehonestly, the only words i can say are thank you. thank you so much for creating the quiet place, whenever i visit it makes me feel so happy and peaceful. i love this so much. and thank you once again, for making me smile. :)
jennifer manningthank you. thank you for giving the world a place it needs to slow down and breathe. thank you ♥
alexandria collierlovely, just simply amazing♥ thank you
moona lionessi was soooooo relaxed i almost fall asleep !! =)
sarah leonthank you because i have gone through so much this past week and i have been adding to that stress more and more by worrying about fb... :)
danielle pinsonit made me tear up.... why i have no clue but it did(:
valery notarothis was amazing and so peaceful. thank you ♥
wendy rodriguezi come here from time to time to clear my head.. thanks!
ellen vriendthank you, it was lovely :) ♥
sherri spinney goodwinis breathtaking .♥ thank you. i love you. ♥
sanah jivanii just wanted to let you know that i really needed this. thanks for creating something like it.
lyndall superllama hendricksonthank-you so much. i still have the music playing it's so soothing
cecilia katarina emilie brucewow, i really needed this. thank you!
denise williamsonthis helped me more than i could ever say. :)
nicole macwhorterthank you, from the bottom of my heart.
min limbeautiful. absolutely amazing. :')
steph youngthis is so full of win
never ever using caps again
just wow
holly foremansaved it into much favourites. plan to go there as often as i can.
siti atie atkai need more quiet places like this ♥
kathy chavezi dont want it to end!!!!!! im afraid if i turn off this music im going to end this feeling of calmness i have.
hayley boucherthis made my day
victoria hurtgeni really enjoyed this.
kristie lily robsona kinda beautiful thing for people to expose themselves too yet still feel safe. you've invented something amazing & should feel so proud x
alan lewis gordonso relaxing and calming
madalynn wardthe quite place + madalynn = happy madalynn (no capitals either c: )
moises ruizi can feel it!!!
sigh ^-^
feels good!!
din lantion brauliothank u so much for making us realize that we needed a simple though brief, quiet time and place. and i thank my dear daughter for sharing this to me just when i needed it most...
nicky romeroi think ♥ this can sum about my feelings for this :) i hear it everyday and i already feel the differences in my everyday life. thank you :d
ben chidlowthanks :). i needed this more then anything in the world right now.
ekene shaa anamanyathis was amazin. i actually cryed t_t... u sure gave me the quite place ♥
melissa mazoi love when i leave the page up on safari on my phone, it continues to play in the background..
great when you want to nap.
i love the quiet place..
sarah leoni love the quiet place...definitely needed it from all the stress i was going through...thanks :)
moon schultzas a stressed out college student, this is exactly what i need. i visit the site at least once a day, sometimes as often as three or four times.
garrett gebhardtit says right in the thing to go explore a mountain.
alex andersonthat....... that was wonderful.
i'm going to be on this site at least once a day, every day.
from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
sabrina sivaramanwish there could be another one :)
skylarr rhodessthis made me cry
lauren richeyi love this. i'll just have a quiet afternoon today, since i missed the day. :)
ruth carrollawesome, it brought me to my favorite quiet place, the peak of croagh patrick. our god is awesome. thank you amitay
alison burleighperfect for me and lot of people i know with mental health issues thank you lots (sigh)
kaitlin bothamleyomg as soon as i liked this i felt peaceful... weird.
jennifer murillothis just made my day! i was having such a horrible day and this changed my whole mood. thank you so much!
athena tranyeah so i was doing the daily 90 seconds thing and then when i closed my eyes, my sister asked, "are you sleeping?" i was like wtf you just killed it.
alyssa radkei go to the quiet place like 3 times a day !
camen roylance jensenthe quiet place always turns my bad days around. :)
janine allysa tapallaomg. you made my life so much better! thank you for this! ♥
ashish samtanii am gonna do this every day from now on ♥
meghan murphythank you for giving me a quiet place to feel safe.
brianna delahozi love this. so much. (': it really gives you a break, to stop thinking about everything. ♥
piero guerman de vicoexactly that i want, thanks so much (:
natasha bellthat was awesome :') thank you
dan gajitago to the quiet place and relax :) it helps a lot to think all by yourself.
alyssa radkei go to the quiet place like 3 times a day !
piero guerman de vicoexactly that i want, thanks so much (:
natasha bellthat was awesome :') thank you
dan gajitago to the quiet place and relax :) it helps a lot to think all by yourself.
alex andersonthat....... that was wonderful.
i'm going to be on this site at least once a day, every day.
from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
meghan murphythank you for giving me a quiet place to feel safe.
sarah leoni love the quiet place...definitely needed it from all the stress i was going through...thanks :)
ben chidlowthanks :). i needed this more then anything in the world right now.
garrett gebhardtit says right in the thing to go explore a mountain.
min limbeautiful. absolutely amazing. :')
alison burleighperfect for me and lot of people i know with mental health issues thank you lots (sigh)
brianna delahozi love this. so much. (': it really gives you a break, to stop thinking about everything. ♥
athena tranyeah so i was doing the daily 90 seconds thing and then when i closed my eyes, my sister asked, "are you sleeping?" i was like wtf you just killed it.
denise williamsonthis helped me more than i could ever say. :)
moon schultzas a stressed out college student, this is exactly what i need. i visit the site at least once a day, sometimes as often as three or four times.
nicole macwhorterthank you, from the bottom of my heart.
jennifer murillothis just made my day! i was having such a horrible day and this changed my whole mood. thank you so much!
victoria hurtgeni really enjoyed this.
lauren richeyi love this. i'll just have a quiet afternoon today, since i missed the day. :)
kaitlin bothamleyomg as soon as i liked this i felt peaceful... weird.
din lantion brauliothank u so much for making us realize that we needed a simple though brief, quiet time and place. and i thank my dear daughter for sharing this to me just when i needed it most...
camen roylance jensenthe quiet place always turns my bad days around. :)
holly foremansaved it into much favourites. plan to go there as often as i can.
alan lewis gordonso relaxing and calming
hayley boucherthis made my day
kristie lily robsona kinda beautiful thing for people to expose themselves too yet still feel safe. you've invented something amazing & should feel so proud x
wendy rodriguezi come here from time to time to clear my head.. thanks!
sabrina sivaramanwish there could be another one :)
melissa mazoi love when i leave the page up on safari on my phone, it continues to play in the background..
great when you want to nap.
i love the quiet place..
ruth carrollawesome, it brought me to my favorite quiet place, the peak of croagh patrick. our god is awesome. thank you amitay
lyndall superllama hendricksonthank-you so much. i still have the music playing it's so soothing
siti atie atkai need more quiet places like this ♥
ekene shaa anamanyathis was amazin. i actually cryed t_t... u sure gave me the quite place ♥
skylarr rhodessthis made me cry
sanah jivanii just wanted to let you know that i really needed this. thanks for creating something like it.
ashish samtanii am gonna do this every day from now on ♥
cecilia katarina emilie brucewow, i really needed this. thank you!
ellen vriendthank you, it was lovely :) ♥
steph youngthis is so full of win
never ever using caps again
just wow
moises ruizi can feel it!!!
sigh ^-^
feels good!!
nicky romeroi think ♥ this can sum about my feelings for this :) i hear it everyday and i already feel the differences in my everyday life. thank you :d
madalynn wardthe quite place + madalynn = happy madalynn (no capitals either c: )
sherri spinney goodwinis breathtaking .♥ thank you. i love you. ♥
janine allysa tapallaomg. you made my life so much better! thank you for this! ♥
kathy chavezi dont want it to end!!!!!! im afraid if i turn off this music im going to end this feeling of calmness i have.
skylarr rhodessthis made me cry
wendy rodriguezi come here from time to time to clear my head.. thanks!
kaitlin bothamleyomg as soon as i liked this i felt peaceful... weird.
alyssa radkei go to the quiet place like 3 times a day !
nicole macwhorterthank you, from the bottom of my heart.
sarah leoni love the quiet place...definitely needed it from all the stress i was going through...thanks :)
dan gajitago to the quiet place and relax :) it helps a lot to think all by yourself.
natasha bellthat was awesome :') thank you
nicky romeroi think ♥ this can sum about my feelings for this :) i hear it everyday and i already feel the differences in my everyday life. thank you :d
lyndall superllama hendricksonthank-you so much. i still have the music playing it's so soothing
denise williamsonthis helped me more than i could ever say. :)
sherri spinney goodwinis breathtaking .♥ thank you. i love you. ♥
lauren richeyi love this. i'll just have a quiet afternoon today, since i missed the day. :)
ben chidlowthanks :). i needed this more then anything in the world right now.
moises ruizi can feel it!!!
sigh ^-^
feels good!!
alison burleighperfect for me and lot of people i know with mental health issues thank you lots (sigh)
cecilia katarina emilie brucewow, i really needed this. thank you!
madalynn wardthe quite place + madalynn = happy madalynn (no capitals either c: )
din lantion brauliothank u so much for making us realize that we needed a simple though brief, quiet time and place. and i thank my dear daughter for sharing this to me just when i needed it most...
ashish samtanii am gonna do this every day from now on ♥
brianna delahozi love this. so much. (': it really gives you a break, to stop thinking about everything. ♥
sanah jivanii just wanted to let you know that i really needed this. thanks for creating something like it.
alan lewis gordonso relaxing and calming
hayley boucherthis made my day
melissa mazoi love when i leave the page up on safari on my phone, it continues to play in the background..
great when you want to nap.
i love the quiet place..
jennifer murillothis just made my day! i was having such a horrible day and this changed my whole mood. thank you so much!
athena tranyeah so i was doing the daily 90 seconds thing and then when i closed my eyes, my sister asked, "are you sleeping?" i was like wtf you just killed it.
camen roylance jensenthe quiet place always turns my bad days around. :)
min limbeautiful. absolutely amazing. :')
ruth carrollawesome, it brought me to my favorite quiet place, the peak of croagh patrick. our god is awesome. thank you amitay
janine allysa tapallaomg. you made my life so much better! thank you for this! ♥
steph youngthis is so full of win
never ever using caps again
just wow
kristie lily robsona kinda beautiful thing for people to expose themselves too yet still feel safe. you've invented something amazing & should feel so proud x
kathy chavezi dont want it to end!!!!!! im afraid if i turn off this music im going to end this feeling of calmness i have.
ellen vriendthank you, it was lovely :) ♥
meghan murphythank you for giving me a quiet place to feel safe.
victoria hurtgeni really enjoyed this.
holly foremansaved it into much favourites. plan to go there as often as i can.
sabrina sivaramanwish there could be another one :)
siti atie atkai need more quiet places like this ♥
piero guerman de vicoexactly that i want, thanks so much (:
alex andersonthat....... that was wonderful.
i'm going to be on this site at least once a day, every day.
from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
ekene shaa anamanyathis was amazin. i actually cryed t_t... u sure gave me the quite place ♥
garrett gebhardtit says right in the thing to go explore a mountain.
moon schultzas a stressed out college student, this is exactly what i need. i visit the site at least once a day, sometimes as often as three or four times.